简介:<p> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;"> 歌乐汀•贝卡瑞(Claudine Beccarie),法国20世纪70年代当红成人影片明星。她14岁时险遭警察强暴,随后离家出走前往西班牙,在妓院卖身为生。在此之后,歌乐汀拍摄大量成人影片,1975年以她为中心拍摄的《性展览》更将其推向巅峰。1976年以降,歌乐汀逐渐淡出成人影片圈,开始转向B级剥削片的拍摄,曾在多部纳粹题材影片中出演角色。</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  本片将镜头聚焦这个传奇女性,引领观众走入她的内心世界,了解她的过去、爱情、家庭、思想以及整个法国成人影片工业的发展情况,其中更有成人片拍摄过程的真实记录</span> </p>
简介:<p> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;"> 歌乐汀•贝卡瑞(Claudine Beccarie),法国20世纪70年代当红成人影片明星。她14岁时险遭警察强暴,随后离家出走前往西班牙,在妓院卖身为生。在此之后,歌乐汀拍摄大量成人影片,1975年以她为中心拍摄的《性展览》更将其推向巅峰。1976年以降,歌乐汀逐渐淡出成人影片圈,开始转向B级剥削片的拍摄,曾在多部纳粹题材影片中出演角色。</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  本片将镜头聚焦这个传奇女性,引领观众走入她的内心世界,了解她的过去、爱情、家庭、思想以及整个法国成人影片工业的发展情况,其中更有成人片拍摄过程的真实记录</span> </p>
简介:<p> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Beautiful and sexy homage to Wiemar Berlin, 26 February 2008</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  8/10</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  Author: guitarphil from Warrington, England</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  Maria Beatty presents us once again with her take on the decadence of the Weimar era. A mistress and her slave perform a number of S&M flavoured performances. All of these are exquisitely choreographed with gracefully seductive movement and sometimes erotically vicious acts.</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  Foot fetishism, bondage and Beatty's trademark pearls all make an appearance. The actresses are beautiful and the costume is certainly convincing with regards to the atmosphere of pre-war Berlin.</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  Mostly in Black and White to focus on that 30s erotica vibe with touches of colour to add interesting psychological levels. Homage is paid to Anais Nin and Leopold von Sacher-Masoch and there are some interesting ideas in how to present erotica in general. As is often the case with erotica/pornography directed by women the performances have a relaxed feel that refuses to be rushed. This in itself can be psychologically arousing.</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  A lush and beautiful experience marred only slightly by some depressingly bad music in places (stick with Zorn, some of the stuff here sounds awful and cheap).</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  This left me with the feeling that I had experienced one of the legendary cabaret sex shows of the time. Viva Chris Isherwood.</span> </p>
简介:<p> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Beautiful and sexy homage to Wiemar Berlin, 26 February 2008</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  8/10</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  Author: guitarphil from Warrington, England</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  Maria Beatty presents us once again with her take on the decadence of the Weimar era. A mistress and her slave perform a number of S&M flavoured performances. All of these are exquisitely choreographed with gracefully seductive movement and sometimes erotically vicious acts.</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  Foot fetishism, bondage and Beatty's trademark pearls all make an appearance. The actresses are beautiful and the costume is certainly convincing with regards to the atmosphere of pre-war Berlin.</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  Mostly in Black and White to focus on that 30s erotica vibe with touches of colour to add interesting psychological levels. Homage is paid to Anais Nin and Leopold von Sacher-Masoch and there are some interesting ideas in how to present erotica in general. As is often the case with erotica/pornography directed by women the performances have a relaxed feel that refuses to be rushed. This in itself can be psychologically arousing.</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  A lush and beautiful experience marred only slightly by some depressingly bad music in places (stick with Zorn, some of the stuff here sounds awful and cheap).</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  This left me with the feeling that I had experienced one of the legendary cabaret sex shows of the time. Viva Chris Isherwood.</span> </p>
简介:<p> <span style="color:#555555;font-family:" font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"="">阿根廷性感女神Isabel Sarli最著名的一部CULT影片。伊莎贝尔·萨利(Isabel Sarli)最著名的电影。 在卡恩(肉类),我们发现伊莎贝尔·萨里(Isabel Sarli)扮演着肉类冷藏工厂的年轻处女工人Delicia的角色。 电影中,她被几位粗鲁的同事一次又一次地强奸在冰箱卡车的后方,被男友救得来得太晚了,男友是唯一能看见她的人。</span> </p>
简介:<p> <span style="color:#555555;font-family:" font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"="">阿根廷性感女神Isabel Sarli最著名的一部CULT影片。伊莎贝尔·萨利(Isabel Sarli)最著名的电影。 在卡恩(肉类),我们发现伊莎贝尔·萨里(Isabel Sarli)扮演着肉类冷藏工厂的年轻处女工人Delicia的角色。 电影中,她被几位粗鲁的同事一次又一次地强奸在冰箱卡车的后方,被男友救得来得太晚了,男友是唯一能看见她的人。</span> </p>
简介:<p> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  A chance meeting in a bar one night and love in a hotel room all changed in the life of Martin Blake. Charming blonde , mastered his feelings , does not come to the next meeting and getting to make this erotic obsession .</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  He hires a private detective and discovers that his new friend is not a professional prostitute and is unlikely to include its intention to continue dating . Disappointed Martin returns to Los Angeles .</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  Soon he meets Georgina , wife of his new boss and a replica of the object of his passion. Before Martin learns the truth , he would be drawn into the dense web of intrigue , deception , fraud and murder ...</span> </p>
简介:<p> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  A chance meeting in a bar one night and love in a hotel room all changed in the life of Martin Blake. Charming blonde , mastered his feelings , does not come to the next meeting and getting to make this erotic obsession .</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  He hires a private detective and discovers that his new friend is not a professional prostitute and is unlikely to include its intention to continue dating . Disappointed Martin returns to Los Angeles .</span><br /> <span style="color:#111111;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">  Soon he meets Georgina , wife of his new boss and a replica of the object of his passion. Before Martin learns the truth , he would be drawn into the dense web of intrigue , deception , fraud and murder ...</span> </p>
简介:<p> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:" font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"="">Philippe wants to move. After having visited several apartments, he ends up finding what he is looking for. But the attractive Blandine is also interested in accommodation. She then uses her charms to accept a collocation.</span> </p>
简介:<p> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:" font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"="">Philippe wants to move. After having visited several apartments, he ends up finding what he is looking for. But the attractive Blandine is also interested in accommodation. She then uses her charms to accept a collocation.</span> </p>
简介:<p> <span style="color:#5F5F5F;font-family:宋体, Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">什麼是《色欲生还者》? 很简单, 就是男女八个人, 分成两队, 胜出者, 可得大奖二十大元. 《色欲生还者》的规章, 也就是男女八个人, 分成两队留在荒岛, 那是太平洋的荒y-岛, 在岛上他们自己找吃和住的, 要克难求生. 三日内他们要接受三项挑战, 淘汰至最后两人参加终极挑战, 由输的队伍成员, 投票选举最后胜利者. 他们有从纽约来, 有土出土长的当地人, 有生在森林中, 有移民而来, 有的很有经验, 有的以信心取胜, 有的以娱乐求胜.......在挑战的空閒, 就是托衣互y-, 春色无边, 尽情欢愉.......</span> </p>
简介:<p> <span style="color:#5F5F5F;font-family:宋体, Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">什麼是《色欲生还者》? 很简单, 就是男女八个人, 分成两队, 胜出者, 可得大奖二十大元. 《色欲生还者》的规章, 也就是男女八个人, 分成两队留在荒岛, 那是太平洋的荒y-岛, 在岛上他们自己找吃和住的, 要克难求生. 三日内他们要接受三项挑战, 淘汰至最后两人参加终极挑战, 由输的队伍成员, 投票选举最后胜利者. 他们有从纽约来, 有土出土长的当地人, 有生在森林中, 有移民而来, 有的很有经验, 有的以信心取胜, 有的以娱乐求胜.......在挑战的空閒, 就是托衣互y-, 春色无边, 尽情欢愉.......</span> </p>
简介:<p> <span style="color:#555555;font-family:" font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"="">A woman who had a tragic past of being raped by a man and since then has never felt secure enough to pursue a relationship. She gets lost in the forest where she encounters a strange naked female monster with a tiger tattoo, who transformed her into a sexy tiger beast.</span> </p>
简介:<p> <span style="color:#555555;font-family:" font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"="">A woman who had a tragic past of being raped by a man and since then has never felt secure enough to pursue a relationship. She gets lost in the forest where she encounters a strange naked female monster with a tiger tattoo, who transformed her into a sexy tiger beast.</span> </p>